Out of context: Reply #234

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  • GeorgesII0

    "...A new article in the Islamic State English-language online magazine Dabiq not only admits the practice but justifies it according to the theological rulings of early Islam..."

    do you like your propaganda with a cherry on the top, I stop believed their bs after they were complicit in selling the lie who lead us to where we are now,

    it's cool and all but there's no way those freaking murdering terrorist could get away in publishing online journal, do they have a genius haxor we don't know about, where are their server hosted, who manages it, who writes the news, who uploads it,

    I'm fuckn sick of being sold propaganda for mentally challenged individuals, it's quite insulting when you look at it

    • believed = believingGeorgesII
    • I hear the coffee in your neck of the woods is really good Georges. Discuss.ZOOP
    • nah, actually coffee in my home country taste like no other coffee, but there's one thing I miss, it's called kinkeliba http://en.wikipedia.…GeorgesII
    • http://en.wikipedia.…
      there's nothing in the world I would drink in the morning
    • I'd like to try some! My friend was a roast master for a family owned company. The coffees they had were amazing!ZOOP
    • I read that Italians say US coffee is too strong. IMO you can't make coffee too strong. :DZOOP
    • yeah, for me it's the contrary, I found the italian coffee too strong, I prefer to drink the long american type (starbuck like coffee)GeorgesII
    • 400 billion cups a year, the universal beverage ;)ZOOP

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