Everything Causes Cancer

Out of context: Reply #38

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  • benfal990

    Just read an article on Bluetooth radiation, because I wanted info before, maybe, buying an Apple iWatch next spring.


    Well, seems like Bluetooth radiation is not a good thing. And, like many other things, cellphone companies are paying large amount of money to have favorable studies showing that radiation from their devices are not really bad.

    That made me think, you know back in the days, they were selling cigarettes like it was something good for us, everyone was smoking,favorable studies and shit.

    What if today's wi-fi and Bluetooth radiations were our cigarettes? That we will discover in 20 years that all those radiation are causing cancer?

    Cancer have explode in the last 15 years mostly in wealthy countries (wealthy countries, where we're all surrounded by radiation) I've read an article last week saying that cancer is the no1 cause of death for childrens in US now.

    I hear about people getting cancer more and more often since a year or two.

    You know the Benfalistic side of me who once said that Humanz failed? Well, i think we really do fail again and again. In the name of profits, the Western world is killing itself.

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