iPhone 6

Out of context: Reply #165

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  • Miguex0

    I overheard this guy at a coffee shop talking to 3 different strangers about how he got the iphone 6 and it was better than whatever else everyone had.

    I put on my headphones and when there was a space between one track and the next, I heard him saying this:

    "Oh, that's not a problem for me, I actually love contracts"

    this guy just convinced himself to the corporate lie just to justify himself that all the money he paid for a phone was worth it.

    • this photo is so 4 years oldomg
    • lol is that the 3gs?BabySnakes
    • Same difference
      same fanboy
      different day
    • objectively speaking the only thing that changed is the packagingMiguex
    • cunts everywhereset

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