
Out of context: Reply #341

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  • scarabin0

    if the ancients were somehow much smarter than we were and "had it right" this whole time their ideas of the universe would simply be established science by now. instead their ideas have been tested and vetted through the ages and the mythology slowly removed to reveal their inner truths, if any. this mythology may still be fine to use as allegory in a personal practice but if you showed up to a proper lab with it and claimed you have the answer to how the universe is put together you'd be laughed out the door. not because we've "lost the wisdom of the ancients", but because we've fucking moved on already and have no need to dwell on or overly-romanticize the stepping stones we've left behind on our path.

    sure, they were on to something. they were smart humans back then just as we are today, trying to make sense of it all. but today we have a more sophisticated brain and more sophisticated tools and a more sophisticated system of symbology to work with than our ancestors did. and we've had thousands of years to observe, poke and test things since then.

    throughout history we've overestimated and idealized the "wisdom" of our ancestors, simply because they came before us. it's just like QBN saying this place "was better back in the day", even though it wasn't. (in EVERY culture and subculture "the scene just isn't the same as it used to be".) the ancient romans did it, and even the ancient egyptians before them.

    age does NOT equal validity or wisdom.

    if you're going to insist that somehow thousands of years of observing the weather is somehow less valid than "thunder is zeus farting", tell us specifically what our forebears knew better than us instead of vague, ridiculous generalizations like "we were smarter back then" or "our brains were bigger so we had it figured out better then".

    and if you're going to talk about their amazing "consciousness tools", join one of the magickal orders i've mentioned and actually learn something about those tools and what they are ACTUALLY capable of instead of bandying them about like they're the answer to anything besides internal, personal development. they are useless for shit like physics.

    • I really wanted to read this, but QBN on an iPad is a nightmare.dopepope
    • tl;dr: old =/= truescarabin
    • sound ignant but hey you can be ignant is the new scienceyurimon
    • what exactly are you disagreeing with, yuri?scarabin
    • Science came out of religion. especially the religion that built the pyramids.. 2nd I think the ancient way was more wholisticyurimon
    • 3rd. There dif ways to say same thing. Its only a generalization because you are not well versed or ignant to even try to figure outyurimon
    • There is a possibility that our golden age was in the past. its fallacy to think these times are and the future is better, its same as romanticizing the past
    • as romanticizing the past. You are an idealist acting like a realist,
    • you know what was before the ancient egyptians? the stone age. you can romanticize all you want but the facts just aren't there. yes, science comes from religion. toast comes from bread. so the fuck what? show me some facts, yuri.scarabin
    • there. yes, science comes from religion. toast comes from bread. so the fuck what? show me some facts, yuri.scarabin
    • There was a prior civ, before Sumerians. there are anomalies in archaeology that is not main streamyurimon
    • The facts you claim you know is indoctrinated public school bulshyet. there is more to this planet then you know. so you get some facts.yurimon
    • some facts. cause you might as well believe in jesus, the way you preach the party line...yurimon
    • so you're suggesting the sumerians had all the answers now?scarabin
    • we should drop science and follow the way of the sumerians. clearly they understood things better than thousands of years of observationscarabin
    • research? i'm asking for specifics here and you are capable of providing none.scarabin
    • your suggesting with your indoctrinated knowledge that this is the best there is cause this civ is at its height of mechanical technology?yurimon
    • technology? Dude This info age. your chubby fingers cant hit the keys on the computer. start with lloyd pye.yurimon
    • lol. i never said any of that, you're bonkers.scarabin
    • its a form of question snarcoban,
    • * furiously eating popcornmonospaced

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