Out of context: Reply #134

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  • mg330

    Be honest: how much do some of you worry about how you'd handle (and how your city / society) would handle something catastrophic? Are you prepared with water and food, medicines, and other absolute necessities for you and your family if something bad happened where you live that shut down all services, electricity, transportation?

    I'm not saying that I'm counting on some sort of attack that accomplishes that, but been reading a few articles about electrical grid vulnerabilities that detail the outcome of attacks on substations, electric plants, etc. which are apparently a known goal of ISIS.

    The scariest thing is that I'm assuming most of us live in bigger cities, and those places would be the worst off in such a disaster. Too many unprepared people, too few immediate resources, store shelves emptied in less than a day, transportation risky due to people fighting for food, water, etc. My wife and I have always said that we'd go to her dad's place about 1 1/2 hours from here, in the country if there were ever a reason to flee Chicago. And we're not prepared for that sort of thing at all. I hate how much I think about this lately, it's depressing, but I feel like you have to ponder potential attacks and disasters (hell, I worry as much about solar flares affecting the planet and electrical systems as I do a terrorist group) and question whether you and your loved ones are able to survive. And, again, with a child on the way, that just scares me to death to think about something bad happening.

    I've been thinking that The Walking Dead is probably the best glimpse any of us have had at how people would deal with something catastrophic. That's the best thing about that show - it's really not about zombies, you know? It's about human survival, and they deal with enough threats from actual living humans.


    • I'm worried about false flags like 911 to push psychopathic policies further along what ever agenda these fuckrs have plannedyurimon
    • planned already. nothing hidden about the coup de ta happening in the us.yurimon

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