Introducing Push It. Simple, Anonymous Messaging.

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • prophetone0

    So... at least initially, if the app is to become popular it will have to be wide open so as to encourage use among its user base. fair enough.

    if the plan is to sell the ability to broadcast to the user base to a corp. sponsor, which is a good plan $$, what elevated functionality are you going to provide a sponsor that will set them apart enough that they'll want to spend $ vs. just using the app themselves within their own infrastructures, for free?

    i'm going to assume some sort of randomly-inserted, approved, branded sponsorship?

    beyond that, with no usernames or filtering other than it being location-based, what's to stop everyday users from broadcasting misinformation?

    and not just heartless, criminal spammers but even slighted tweeners who just left TOPSHOP upset b/c they were no size 14 pashminas left and decide to broadcast a fake "Flash sale at that TOPSHOP RIGHT NOW OMGSFA!"

    i'm curious b/c i feel you have a real challenge ahead of you. you have to build a user base first... and be very careful not to lose that user base, even though you will be constantly bombarded with these variables. A real balancing act.


    • Yup. It's a challenge for sure. My goal was to make the first version available asap. Answer complicated questions down the line.insomnie
    • Sponsors will be able to target wider range of areas, etc. Plus we are working on channels.insomnie

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