Happy Left Handers Day

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • ItTango0

    muchas gracias.
    i even have my lefty basses strung right-handed 'cuz i learned to play by just flipping right-handed instruments over... like Hendrix.

    Some random 'facts'. I can't vouch for their validity...

    1. Higher risk of insomnia, psychosis and alcoholism
    2. Dark connotations of lefties date back to biblical times
    3. Half of cats are left-handed (how the hell?)
    4. You will live less if you are left-handed
    5. But, you will be more creative!
    They are also better at 3D perception and thought processing.
    6. They hit puberty later than their right-handed counterparts
    7. Our leaders are lefties
    8. Men are more likely to be left-handed
    9. Gay men are even more likely to be left-handed
    Left-handed people are 39 per cent more likely to be homosexual.
    10. On a keyboard, there are around 1447 English words typed solely with the left hand
    Whereas only 187 are typed with the right. Madness.
    11. The word left stems from 'weak'
    12. Left-handed people scare easier

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