Dragged out of casino...

Out of context: Reply #51

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  • yurimon0

    Sucks, what happened to you.

    Casinos are private property. when you said you are refusing it was a green light for them to remove you. However you might get away with if it was it really necessary the amount of force vs your weight= excessive.

    Best review the cameras to see if you were really hurt that bad.

    second They took your blood test to see if you were really drunk. You might sue for that one. cause they did a medical procedure without your consent. but if it comes out that your blood level was highly intoxicated then you have an uphill argument.

    its good you didnt call the cops cause they would arrest you for public intoxication. casinos are richer then you.bring in more bread for cop salaries.

    Its uphill battle for you but question is what you are going to get out of it? Doesnt mean pursue anything just have to pick your battle i guess.
    Good luck..

    • fuck, I hate that Im' saying thius, but I agreemonospaced

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