*Stolen* work? copyright lawyer - NY

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • Miguex0

    it's not a dickish thing to do if they are making money.
    But just beware that the chances of you making any $$$ are most likely very slim, the most you'll be able to do is send a cease and desist letter, and they'll most likely remove all your stuff in under 48hs.

    My buddy has ben on the other side of a similar situation, were he released an 'unofficial' remix on a 300 vinyl copy run and put them up for sale, the track got popular, the big label noticed and they were forced to take them off the site, that's all it happened.

    On the other hand, I'm not a lawyer, the best thing is for him to decide what to do. Maybe the app developer is making BANK and suddenly you think driving on a masserati is for poor people!!

    good luck

    • no offense but the music example isn't really relevant here - the music industry is built on royalties, licensing and copyright.fadein11
    • copyrightfadein11

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