
Out of context: Reply #172

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  • scarabin0

    • few key words "promise" "potential" and "may" but keep it comin.yurimon
    • few key words missing "faith" "God" and "guns" but keep it comin.utopian
    • i see "promise" once and "may" twice. your point?scarabin
    • strong evidence compels people to say things like "may" and "possibly," that's how it worksmonospaced
    • unlike traditional belief systems that have no evidence and still have teh audacity to make claims about truthmonospaced
    • i love how threatening this shit is to you, yuriscarabin
    • and it's never gonna get better because science will continue marching on, continually making discoveries, while you sit there masturbating over the same tired shitscarabin
    • masturbating over the same tired shitscarabin
    • while god watches him masturbates and judges him, because that's how god rollsmonospaced
    • not threatening. i dont worship science utopianismyurimon
    • what DO you worship, yurimon? it's gotta be somethin'monospaced
    • he'll never say because he's spinelessscarabin

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