Flat stomach?

Out of context: Reply #29

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  • rosko_picachu0

    Cut back on cheese, Bread and beer. Salt as well, which means, no takeaway basically. No ready meals.

    Cook tasty food and try not eating a couple of hours before you go to sleep, sleeping's fasting essentially. Then depending on what you do for a living, cut down on breakfast, have a later breakfast, if you're used to having an early breakfast. You don't have to do it everyday, just a couple of times a week.

    Exercises well, the quickest way is to do leg raises on a pullup bar, without swinging your legs. Even if you only get a few leg raises at a time, take a 10 second break, and do another few reps. If you can do it with a reverse grip it works well for me. You can setup a pullup bar at home, and work on it for maybe 40 minutes.

    There's too much confusion weighing food and all that. But i'm sure it comes down to sugar, bread, too much pasta. Basically eating the same things all the time. Nothing to stop you eating what you like, but just not the same thing, 4 or 5 times a week.

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