Apple WWDC '14

Out of context: Reply #85

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  • sem0

    I was a die hard Apple fanboy for ages, I have or have had tons of their products but when they released the 4S I started to see the whole "Lightbulb Theory" behind it all.

    Then they put out the new Macbook Pro's where you couldn't just throw in a normal 2.5 HD (or two with the SuperDrive Caddy) and that was it.

    Now I just want a strong custom Hackintosh. Everything else I'm done with.

    Apple died with Jobs. Viva Android and its software freedom.

    • lolernexbcn
    • I have a Nexus 5 for development and even used it as a primary phone for two weeks and I still can't get into it.rosem
    • terrible ux, for now imoprophetone
    • Took me a month to get comfortable with Android from IOS but I wouldn't go back now. Esp the install freedom.sem
    • thanks for sharing. now go post on android threads.inteliboy
    • amazes me the amount of people who need to voice their opinion on all things apple.inteliboy
    • you don't see google/android threads clogged up by apple fanboys.inteliboy
    • Clearly you didn't read the start of my post. Stop being a post nazi :P Someone can praise other things in a post.sem
    • ha yeah sorry. overreaction. hadn't had my coffee. -_-inteliboy
    • haha understandable then good sirsem
    • i hate Android so much!benfal99
    • Completely agree Sem. Android is superb, anyone who can't get good to it is not intelligent enough to customise it.set
    • Agree about Apple too, it's become apparent just how influential Jobs was.set
    • Apple will go through the dark ages like it did when Jobs wasn't around before. Each time its done well = Jobs.sem
    • So, how much time? People have been saying this for 4 years, and still Apple is doing fine.monospaced
    • You say they're doomed. When, I just want to know when to sell my stock.monospaced
    • < doing fine on past innovations - still waiting for a new product - all they do is a french polish on old shit.fadein11
    • Fadein, your facts are not wanted here. These people care for brand not tech.sem
    • I'm just curious. Are you talking 6 months sem, or more like 6 years? When will Apple be a non-player?monospaced

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