Game of Thrones

Out of context: Reply #591

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  • CygnusZero40

    That bitch that was thrown through the hole at the end, I didnt care at all that she was killed. Shes barely been on this show! There's so many characters and subplots shoehorned into this, many of which not getting enough attention, its hard to care about what happens to some of them. Are the whitewalkers even a story element anymore? That whole thing went nowhere for 3 seasons.

    • Just 10 hours per season. They could use 10 more hours to flesh all this out.CygnusZero4
    • yeah, but she's a bit of a macguffin and it should be a bit of a game changer with her being killed...Wolfboy
    • You've got the Hound and Arya heading there to see her, you've got Brienne heading there. And now she's dead so that part of the plot is up in the air again.Wolfboy
    • that part of the plot is up in the air again. So it's not so much her character that matters but what her absence might do to the story. I thought it was an interesting death for that reason.Wolfboy
    • story. I thought it was an interesting death for that reason. (non-book reader BTW)Wolfboy
    • You clearly lack the intelligence to follow more than a few main characters.set
    • i want more too. but i have none of the gripes u do. everything is A+BrokenHD

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