running shoes

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  • Peter0

    >Dude at a bar just suggested toe shoes hahhah...

    I do too, if you're talking about "Vibrams".

    They look like shit, but it's a world of difference.

    You'll work muscles you normally don't do with cushioned shoots.
    Plus, you'll really feel the surface you're running on. Almost as if you're exploring a new sense.

    But yes. They look weird.

    • how do you get over the shame Peter?ohhhhhsnap
    • fuck. i want them so bad. i just don't think i can take the shame.…ohhhhhsnap
    • You don't. You learn to live with it. But it gets easer.Peter
    • lol... i don't see anything wrong with them at all. OK i'm going to get some on ebay before i sober up!ohhhhhsnap
    • There's lots of counterfeit fivefingers on ebay btw, not worth looking for a cheaper option there.raf
    • Dont wear them if you are hairy cause you will look like a man apeyurimon

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