loadMovieNum and cache

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  • SmilingBuddh0

    Just because I'm a dork, I thought of a better way to do this whole thing:

    var mcp = MovieClip.prototype
    mcp.oldLMN = mcp.loadMovieNum

    mcp.loadMovieNum = function(url,level) {
    var app = (_url.charAt(1) == "h") ? ("?r=" + getTimer()):("");
    this.oldLMN(url + app, level);

    This replaces the old LMN function with a new one that automatically appends the random number when it's on the server, but not when it's running local.

    Overkill, maybe, but it saves having to type the random shit every time. Might be useful where you're loading a lot of .swfs

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