Who killed the electric car?

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  • bulletfactory0

    I'm interested in seeing the growth of the electric car industry and how they'll build an infrastructure to support it (if it gains traction). Living in Park Slope, Brooklyn where we (mostly) have no garages or driveways, I wonder the options that will be available for charging electric cars street-side. Sometimes I drive around the block for 30-60 minutes and am 4-5 blocks from home when I do finally find a space.

    I think it would work much better in the midwest, or suburban communities which can install the necessary charging stations at home, or have plenty of parking available at work to add charging areas.

    • Why do that many people in Brooklyn even own cars?freedom
    • I ask myself this question all the time. But when we go upstate, explore New England, or even just go to Costco, I'm glad we do.bulletfactory
    • No doubt, it's nice to have a car, but seems impractical and expensive if you don't use it more than a few times a month.freedom
    • I always wonder why there's so many cars in NYC when nobody drives to work and tourists prob. don't rent them.freedom
    • its not that new yorkers dont have cars.. its just that owning a car per month is more expen-edd-e
    • -sive than most rent per month if you park your car in a garage that charges $20+ per hour..edd-e
    • or you can park on the street and move it every other day to the other side of 15 blocks..edd-e
    • i was born and raised in nyc and never needed a car ever.. now i live in florida and fuck it!!edd-e
    • have to drive everyday.. meh i miss the subways!! so fucking much!! so much cheaper!!!edd-e

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