Ever been bullied?

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • elahon0

    I got a lot of shit in grade school for being a fat kid. Then on into high school, I joined the theatre group, and my whole group of friends were targets for most of our HS career. Called "theater fags", pushed around, etc.

    I can remember I pierced my right ear in HS, and apparently, according to the jocks and rednecks, piercing only the right ear means you're gay. So of course I got shit for that. The only reason I did my right was because I'm right handed and it was easier for me to clean it! haha!

    But, my circle of friends was pretty tight, so I think that helped quite a bit. I remember one year, junior year, I think, there was an openly gay character on MTV's The Real World that had died of AIDS. This one asshole, for about a week, really amped up his homophobic game towards us, it was pretty nuts. I actually got into a pushing match with him and fists were almost thrown when a teacher came running up and broke us up. Which is crazy, but I'm a total pacifist (read theatre fag, haha). But, again, my friends were tight, so we all got each other through it.

    It really puts a pit of fear in my stomach for my son, who is 6. He's totally innocent and sweet, but I know I can't protect him forever... But he's in karate, so he's learning a lot about self confidence, and his teacher does a lot of work on "bully busters", so that's good.

    • theatre kids always get it for some reasonmonospaced
    • probably majority of the boys were taught boys should be "a man" masculinity. if you're not you're weird.pango
    • and theatre were labeled "pretty gay". personally i blame the parents and society for that conception.pango
    • in my school, and all the schools nearby, theatre did have a huge majority of gay boys in itmonospaced
    • so, at least in our districts, the stereotype was backed up with reality, unfortunatelymonospaced
    • That's funny...I remember the ear thing too. Left ear vs right ear :)ukit2
    • We did our left ear, we were all certain the right ear meant you were gay. I've heard it was the other way round though hahahaset
    • I tried my left ear once, but I'm dumb with my left hand, couldn't keep it clean during healing and it got infected, lol! Right it is!elahon

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