A Life Changing Connection....

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • exador10

    I've had this happen.
    'set' said it all....'bad start says it all'...couldn't have said it better than that.

    for me, it was a distant uncle that was in advertising at quite a big firm back in the 80's...
    I was just about to start design school, (with a focus on getting into an ad agency etc) ...it was my dream...
    anyhow, at my grandfathers funeral, we ended up chatting a lot, and he's all, hey...another artist in the family..awesome...look, when you get moved up to the big city, give us a call, we'll help you get going etc etc, show you the studio, have supper with us and the family blah blah blah... and boy...i ate it up...i thought i was in like flynn....

    my dad pulled me aside that night and tried to level with me 'look son, this guy....he's a big fucking talker....but i don't know him, you don't know him....don't fall for it....wait and see what kind of a guy he is...'

    6 months later, i moved up to the big city (Toronto...we're from peterborough originally...small city about 2hours away)

    call him that first week, and it's 'who are you?'...no i don't remember....here...talk to your aunt....

    needless to say, i was NOT invited over for supper...or to see the studio...or to hangout....or to meet all his big advertising connections...

    i have NEVER forgotten that...

    • goddamn, uncle asshole... thanks for sharing..mantrakid
    • I could tell he was a cunt from the moment he called himself an artist.ORAZAL
    • He acted like he didn't know you and you're family????omahadesigns

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