Venezuela 2014

Out of context: Reply #36

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  • 175 Responses
  • elproto0

    Im arriving home, its 12:45.
    Tonite 2 ppl died in the street, shotted by the National Army forces.
    not just the capital city is protesting, most country is.
    President said in National TV. that the "tupamaros" (civilians armed group) are working for the nation. by the time Maduro was saying this, those groups went all around the city shotting at buildings and setting things on fire.
    if u get caught in the street with a camera you get arrested.
    if you are out in the street past 8:00 p.m you can get shooted w/o advice.
    Im a graphic dsgn teacher. 2 of my student are under arrest and 1 is missing, their families are desperated. Police are asking for 5k USA $ to set em free. (yes USA $)
    Everyone here is trying to support the protesters, wich are mostly students.
    Im trying to do everything I can, but things are rough.

    sorry my english, and the random words. Im tired and frustrated.

    • :(oey
    • fuck man :(ernexbcn
    • wow, be safe. most of us can't fathom the situation you're in, let's hope it results in a brighter future for venezuela._niko
    • elproto, mucho cuidado amigo. gracias por mantenernos al tanto. un fuerte abrazo, no tengo palabras. :(sea_sea
    • keep checking in protohotroddy
    • elproto, thanks for your message,
      stay home and keep yourself and your family safe
    • Tenga cuidado elproto, stay safe sir!Fabricio
    • Cuidate hombre! Mucho ojo con esos matones, ya sabes como se las gastan. Un abrazo y animo!OBBTKN
    • crazy.akrok

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