R.I.P. Philip Seymour Hoffman

Out of context: Reply #102

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  • PonyBoy0

    I appreciate some of you sharing your family's stories... I too have a brother who is owned by heroin... battles his cravings for that and any other drug he can get his hands on.

    I'm scared I will be the one to find his body one day. :( Most of my family has written him off as a loser who needs 'tough love'... ... I've come to terms over the years that 'tough love' is misguided and useless... being pushed away and told rotten things about himself only sent my brother into deeper depression which brought on more drugs (and the booze... good grief the booze). COMPASSION has gone a long way with my brother... he's managed to hold a job for nearly a year, gets to his classes / meetings (forced by the State... my bro's drugs / booze have put him in jail a few times so even finding a 'good' job is difficult)... ... hell - he's even starting to pay rent on time for the first time in his life :) He's been clean of the drug for 2+ years now... he's even manage to ditch the methadone so he's living without any crutches...

    I apologize for my heavy emotion on the last page... attacking 'talent' has nothing to do with this conversation :). I'm just really disappointed at how classless some of the posts / opinions are (this place has gone downhill, not in talent but in intellectuality - I openly admit I resemble what I'm describing and am probably part of the problem).

    Regardless, acting like PSH deserved to die or had no care for anyone else but himself... what a heartless load of shit... familiarize yourselves with heroin / addiction a bit - the ignorance here bums me out. :(

    • "this place has gone downhill"
      You obviously missed the Chinese spammer epidemic of 2011-2012
    • good to hear your brother is doing fine now!sureshot
    • thx, sureshot :)PonyBoy
    • Glad to hear he is doing okay, and well done you too, it ain't easy.eoin
    • yea pbj, great to here he's doing good. he's lucky to have you. *hugsea_sea
    • yo, pony I'm happy your brother kicked his demons, as an ex etard I know how hard it is, just wanted to joke and be a cunt as usual, <3GeorgesIV
    • usual, <3GeorgesIV

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