Mac Pro

Out of context: Reply #113

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  • deathboy0

    xeon 12 core - $2500 - dont know bang for buck comparisons and still not sure why apple goes with xeons and costly ECC ram.

    2 custom GPU's similiar to W7000 from what i can find out -
    ~$2500(gambling on more open CL support vs the past cuda)

    64GB ram - ~ $900 (what someone need this much for I do not know. I have a hard time using my 3 year old 12GB 1900 ram)

    PCie HD - guess $1k to $1200. A samsung thing only for ultrabooks for apple and sony. Using samsung controllers so get around 800MB vs 550MB regular SSDs. This is the thing that I'm really interested in. For once I have to say apple on the hardware front might actually be helping lower the price of new technology instead of selling mid level hardware as spankin new. Im speculative of the controller and the custom stuff, especially looking at a 1TB OCZ PCIe drive that does 2GB transfer for about $4.5-6.4K. If they help lower the price and bring down the cost of PCIe drives that are nto so custom though I'll be pumped.

    Think thats the basic bones which is about ~$7100 in hardware for ram/cpu/mem/hdd/gpu... meaning there is still cost of case, PSU, case, fan, and mobo. So 3k on those. Still a decent profit margin outside R&D, likely more than regular PC but a lot less than they are use to on the mac pro front.

    They are definitely going smaller form factor which is great for profit margins on periperheals. No room for HDs in case means they can sell more externals for price mark ups, monitors. Im curious how the external PSU looks/size, because I dont see one inside. And im still highly skeptical on heat and wether it will really perform and last. I'd definitely wait a bit and check benchmarks, heat, and see if there is any hardware problems before I'd sign up for one. Personally I'd just build a pc with same power for less and go with larger form factor because the smaller form factor to me is only a liability. Rather have a nice looking large case that cools well that i can easily buy hardware than a little box with tons of cables and shit coming out of to say hey look its small.

    So there's my breakdown. Would have been easier if i could have found one to copy and paste

    • at the moment. 16GB ram seams like a good amount.akrok
    • i'm with you on worrying about the heat thing. tho my cube still works ok (once the faceplate switch was disabled)hans_glib

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