December 7th 2013

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • 24 Responses
  • ZOOP0

    I said the U.S. tried to avoid the conflict and that is exactly what happened, the populous didn't want war, the VAST majority of the armed forces didn't want war. The actual number of players involved in the "conspiracy theory" as stated earlier (which I believe to be truth) is minimal, to call them the U.S. is wildly inaccurate.

    My grandfather (my surrogate parent) served aboard the USS Honolulu, lost his best friend to a torpedo in '43, the intent here was to simply remember someone I can't talk to any more because he's gone. If you choose to misconstrue that somehow or change the subject, you're welcome to, I'm finished here.

    • HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (at first statement)pr2
    • You're right, you do need sleep. Go to bed and you'll feel better tomorrow.ZOOP
    • Unfortunately tomorrow the few politicians who do have power will be ramming another war into your unknown behind. At least i'll know why it hurts so much...pr2
    • ...know why it hurts so much...pr2
    • That made no sense at all :/ZOOP
    • Of the 235 years in existence, the US has been at war 209 of those years. Change that or bend over for another one.ZOOP

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