Dr. Who

Out of context: Reply #20

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    Best bits:
    • The chemistry between Hurt, Tennant and Smith, with their banter
    • Reference/tip-of-the-hat to Capt Jack Harkness (missed him in this, too bad) (Side note, the War Doctor borrowed one of Jack's lines, which I thought was cool)
    • Billie Piper
    • Those five seconds of Peter Fucking Capaldi. Can't wait to see what he'll do with the role.
    • You-know-who at the end
    • No River Song!

    So-so bits:
    • Clara Oswald was a bit of lame duck, here, and I normally like her. Her role was almost completely inconsequential
    • So, hey, how did all of those other ten TARDISes get summoned, anyway, and when?

    Not-so-good bits:
    • Queen E I's casting was horrible. Couldn't stand to watch or listen to her
    • No Weeping Angels. I fucking love them, best baddies hands-down. I would have had a few of those on Galifrey zapping out a few Daleks elsewhere in time, to make sure there's a ready explanation in future episodes where there are Daleks.

    And the Cunt of the Year Award goes to:
    Christopher Eccleston, for not being tossed to participate in any of the anniversary events, let alone sacrifice one shooting day for even just a small 10-second bit showing him after the War Doctor's regeneration. Fucking prima donna.

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