Design 101

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • voiceof0

    @doesnotexist, i_monk, and monoboy:

    I don't want them throwing together campaigns or building brochures. But, I do want to ensure taht I don't start to getting the production and grunt work passed on to me. I would prefer to spend more time working on campaigns and strategy not spend time on formatting a proposal or updating sales sheets.

    So I think I have two choices. One, I can have everything come through me, which is time consuming and mind-numbing. Two, I can provide them with basic design principles, the importance of consistency and why the templates are important and hopefully increase the overall quality of information leaving the office and keep my time free for higher level work.

    • well... do you have team members? are you the senior one? sounds like a different problem than your original postdoesnotexist
    • I should have said 'we' instead of 'I'. I have two others under me.voiceof

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