Give me reasons

Out of context: Reply #33

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  • jtb260

    I swear to christ that we're going to start writing in our contracts that we (the agency) have final authority on designs. After extensive upfront requirements gathering we take our projects into design and production. The client is welcome to request and discuss changes with us. We'll listen to them, but if we disagree we'll do it the way we think is best, explain why. They can either use the finished product or find someone else to do it.

    Obviously sometimes there are legitimate business restraints, or strategic shifts that occur that necessitate change. Or sometimes we're just wrong and need to listen and adapt. But when it comes to the aesthetic and user experience they can get bent.

    It takes a certain amount of clout and financial stability to be this way but if you have a line of people willing to work with you I think it's worth it to take a hard line stance. "This is our expertise, not yours. You've seen our work, and you hired us. This is our call, if you don't like it you can find someone else to do it." It's how Paul Rand rolled.

    • they act like it's life or death. trust your fucking designer!ohhhhhsnap

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