Movies about Hitler/WW2

Out of context: Reply #29

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  • omg0

    I don't think teaching your girlfriend a history of Hitler from movies made by Jews is such a good idea. Although most of everyone born after the WW2 probably got their information from jew owned publications. Most of the truth lays hidden and scattered online. A movie from Hollywood is just going to polish it to make a pretty penny and enact hatred against the Germans from the Jewish perspective. After doing a little research, you'll most likely find a lot of the mid-directed truths taught in schools were just hoaxes.

    • the sad thing is that you'll get some heat for saying this when it's actually really true, prepare yourself to be called antisemiteGeorgesIV
    • Some examples of these hoaxes, please?hereswhatidid
    • I can give you one, hitler and eva never commited suicide, it was never a comon thought untill they rewrote historyGeorgesIV
    • So how did Hitler die then?hereswhatidid
    • It irks me that we're a generation which has access to so much raw data but we use it to tweet, go do some researchGeorgesIV
    • No, you're the one making a pretty bold assertion about something widely believe. Back it up.hereswhatidid
    • I've studied WWII quite a bit so I'm curious about your sources since they contradict most of what's widely written.hereswhatidid
    • Check your sources hereswhatidid. I'm sure they're ALL from Jewish owned publications and movies.omg
    • If you want some sources: The Holocaust Hoax Exposed Perfect Paperback
      by Victor Thorn
    • Still waiting for some serious sources on Hitler not killing himself in the bunker. Don't give me some bullshit conspiracy theorist.hereswhatidid
    • conspiracy theorist dude that has zero credentials.hereswhatidid
    • He and many books have lots of evidence. what kind of credentials do you need to prove the truth.omg
    • Anyone with some legitimate, peer-reviewed works? Anything with actual historical evidence cited?hereswhatidid
    • you can watch this for lots of historial references…omg
    • your appeal to authority is so fuckn weak, "anyone with peer review", lol if you ever want to work in the field of academia, you better fuckn toe the line, guess why it took 20 years of CT to say the gulf of tonkin was bs, where was your peer review then?GeorgesIV
    • you better fuckn toe the line, guess why it took 20 years of CT to say the gulf of tonkin was bs, where was your peer review then?GeorgesIV
    • "peer review" in this case would be anyone OTHER than the nutbags like you saying it's true.hereswhatidid
    • Still didn't give me an answer about Hitler not dying in the bunkerhereswhatidid

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