learning web design from scratch

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  • boobs0

    Don't be intimidated by the coding. It's not that hard. In fact, I would say that it would be easiest to just learn the code directly. Honestly, it isn't that hard. Once you understand a few basic principles, you'll be pretty well set.

    I would skip over learning Dreamweaver and other WYSIWG tools like
    that. All the tools that are made to make the web "easy" just make it less direct, and, in the end, harder. They will reduce your real understanding of what is going on.

    Working directly in HTML/CSS is easy; no need to simplify it. There wouldn't be hundreds of billions of web pages out there if it wasn't pretty easy.

    • Yeah my mindset is that of a designer not technician. I don't want to waste time going down the wrong path.faxion

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