Hooked On Vice

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • bogue1

    I don't think anybody came here to say that Vice is the be-all-end-all of documentary film making... in fact moldero said

    "Vice has some awesome stuff and some bad stuff just like any other."

    To say that he, or anybody else shouldn't have an opinion because they "aren't in the business" is the most arrogant thing i've ever heard.

    I just went to the documentary section of Netflix and the highest rated option is "The Art of Flight". I would have to argue that Vice's piece on afghanistan "This is what winning looks like" or their piece on liberia have more substance than a snowboarding film.

    But it's all subjective. And to think that your subjective opnion (I'm talking to you PR2) is better than everybody elses because you make films is beyond arrogant.

    We get it.. you don't like vice.. that's fine. But lots of people do.. and that's fine too.

    • vice is to journalism what soap operas are to tv programminggilgamush

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