Hooked On Vice

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • pr2-8

    Moldero, your argument is so backward - i don't even know where to start refuting it. You seem to come from the camp that talks to a surgeon with many years of experience telling him: i eat a steak with fork and knife so i'm as qualified as you are to perform heart surgery. WHAT? Just because you've seen thousands of films doesn't mean you have the best way to judge what is good. Cut this 90s crap: you are special and can be whatever you imagine to be. You are not. To be special in any discipline takes years of HARD work, not a weekend of watching uninspiring Vice docs. You know how i know that they are shit docs (and i have seen my share of them) because i work in the business. Those docs are more cookie cutter shit then anything, even the Hollywood - not exactly a bastion of originality - is doing. I can shoot docs like that with my eyes closed and my wife (who's an editor for crap load of reality shows) can edit it without even looking at the footage. For you to even assume that you are watching some break-through filmmaking here is just laughable.

    In times where you have a whole library of works even create by mankind at your fingertips and you choose to watch a show about a guy fucking a donkey, or some shitty drug in Mexico? Wow, my cat staring at the mouse cursor right now is doing things more intellectually demanding.

    • You sir, are truly the king of the assholes.bogue
    • ps.. your ground breaking work with DJ Qualls doesn't make you the expert on taste you think that you are.bogue
    • my not-so-ground-breaki... work make me that much more credible expert then Joe Nobody who's only expertise is that he simply watches lots of TVpr2
    • ...watches lots of TVpr2
    • i get what pr2 is saying. i don't think he means to be a hardnosed critic he's just making a point.uuuuuu
    • I hear you pr2ORAZAL
    • Columbias in Mexico?
      wow, its much closer to me than than I thought!

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