making beats

Out of context: Reply #218

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  • mg330

    Thanks for the tips. I'll have to do some reading about some of the stuff you're saying but it's really helpful. I actually got signed up for the Logic class at an Apple store here in Chicago starting in August. 4 weeks, each Saturday - I figure they'll be teaching Pro X so it will be a nice intro to that.

    On a non-beats making note - I'm really loving my setup at home lately. I'm using an Alesis Micron through my guitar effects chain and Apogee Duet, but also have MIDI going out of it. I'm finding it really convenient to be able to record the midi notes should I dump the audio track and go with a synth in Logic.

    My goals in getting better at recording are to hopefully pursue doing more instrumental and film score stuff. I've wanted to go in that direction almost from the beginning of even having a band years ago. Going to keep working on a batch of things that are sort of 1/4 done and eventually put them up on SoundCloud and my own site. Might have posted this before, but here's a short example of something I'm continuously working on (though I did this in an afternoon back in January).…

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