Why do you design?

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • detritus0

    1. I didn't, I just always had an interest in the sphere (without really appreciating what 'the sphere' was) and one day ended up doing it. I don't like the tag 'designer', don't feel like I am one or wish to aspire to be one.
    2. I only realised there was an education in the domain when I went to university and found myself hanging out wit hthe Industrial Design lot and thought "huh, I wish I'd known this shit existed" (I came from a very provincial backwater, with exposure to the end product, but not the process - this was pre-internet, my inputs were limited)
    3. "If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing properly" is a fairly Calvinistic refrain I have typically lolling around my head. 'Design' to me is just about putting thought into a process and making the best of it. 'Design' is in everything - from the particular technique a heart surgeon might have to the knowledge put into making a good loaf of bread or sweeping a street effectively. It's what makes us human. 'Design' as a Capital D domain is no more important than any other job in the world, and I think it's important to keep that in mind.
    4. I can't really answer this one - I learned on the job, which is how I feel it should be done. Tutelage through apprenticeship, or something.

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