Mac Pro

Out of context: Reply #45

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  • deathboy0

    The design is clean and black so i dont mind it. Nerdy space black beats the nerdy lookin silver beasts. What gets me is it form factor being so small. I have a 2gb 5870 card that is taller than its whole body. And it sounds like it can fit 2 of those, plus up to a 12 core, the board doesn't even seem big enough for 2 hexcore chips. Didnt even see the heat pipes on the board or 2 spots for multi processors. It will be an an impressive but im sure extremely pricey feat if it all works. Im also wondering it it has an external psu half as big as it is to power its top specs. And how well it can really disperse heat. I know my laptop operates around 65-70 idle which is pretty hot for idle and under stress it gets into the high 90s easily. But it has passed the 2 year mark. Hoping to see if it gets 3. Also curious about its GPUs. They said AMD and thought amd doesnt really have cuda support which adobe uses for hardware acceleration.

    I have to say Im not a big apple fan, they usually sell slightly above or average hardware at newborn prices, but I cant really say too much bad about this. Its flashy and it has possibilities. Just a big question mark wether it will work and if its worth the price. Or if this is some sort of strong arm hype thing to see if they try and force hardware manufacturers to design for more custom fit design stuff instead of a huge market of great hardware that you can build and create equal or better at half the costs. Apple is great at lowering people down to their playing field and making thinks oh so middle the road mediocre... Seriously I would love to see a great flash site again im so sick of wordpress.... and their ipad and macbooks are getting more manufacturers to create more buy once and throw away if something breaks systems instead of customizing or upgrading and getting more years out of a device. This could be their attempt to do the same to the PC market. Dont know if that is possible but u never know if hype will trump reason these days.

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