Barnes and Noble / Bookstores?

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • orrinward20

    You're not the demographic. They will die soon unless they adapt.

    They're for:
    1. non-tech savvy people who read
    2. people who read who like to get out of the house
    3. People who like in-person advice on what to read
    4. People who like to cosy up in a cafe and read a bit before buying.

    Blockbuster/HMV/Tower Records etc are all dying now, as the generation that used them got tech savvy and technology pushed them out the way.

    Books will last a bit longer as they still have a generation that hasn't gone techy yet.

    My mum used to love going to our small bookshops but I got her a Kindle and over the past year she's started to learn how to use it. It's a shame in some ways that these small independent places are getting killed but their USP is becoming less and less relevant.

    They stay in business because they have a lot of money. They're certainly not thriving though.

    • Only tech savy people buy on Amazon? Blockbuster/HMV/Towe... Records are already 99% gone. There's lots of B&N.fredddddd

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