Shooting of the Day

Out of context: Reply #1043

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  • ukit20

    Libertarian activist and radio host Adam Kokesh is hoping to get 1,000 people to march on Washington on July 4 — armed with loaded rifles. The plan, launched with a Facebook group today, is to gather on the Virginia side of the Potomac, where gun laws are lax, and then march across the bridge with loaded rifles slung over their shoulders into the District, where openly carrying weapons is generally prohibited.

    “This will be a non-violent event,” the Facebook group warns, “unless the government chooses to make it violent.” Already, over 200 people have said they’ll attend the march.

    • this will end badlyautoflavour
    • all it take is a little push and everything will go boom...pango
    • what is this? anti-gun protesters marching with loaded guns to prove a point?sine
    • Basically what you realize is humans are incredibly stupid. Fight fire with fire.CygnusZero4
    • One tear gas canister and theyll all be rolling on the ground crying looking like assholes.CygnusZero4
    • or shooting at anything that moveslocustsloth

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