Too Much Coffee

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • eoin0

    I've been recently drinking a lot more of it. I have given up smoking and drinking so it has become something that I really look forward to each day. I don't go to town on it, maybe two/three very strong cups a day. I LOVE it, but I think it may be preventing me sleep. Dublin is really developing a great coffee culture too with tonnes of excellent cafés opening up in the past year. Anyway, maybe one cup before 2pm is the way forward. Incidentally, anyone ever feel really tweaked/paranoid after a lot. Also, anyone get "comedowns" from a lot of coffee? Just curious.

    • Apologies for my syntax, I haven't had my coffee yet ...eoin
    • Hey congrats on the giving up of the smoking, I remember you saying you were trying. Well done, mate. How goes it ?mikotondria3
    • Hey Miko, it's going great, today was my first day with zero nicotine (lozenges) and it was very doable, still slight crankies but I think another week and that will be out of my system too. All in all, feeling really proud of myself! Thanks for asking, you a smoker?eoin
    • ... but I think another week and that will be out of my system too. All in all, feeling really proud of myself! Thanks for asking, you a smoker?eoin
    • ... smoker?eoin

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