Ouija board

Out of context: Reply #27

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  • Raybandana0

    It was one of the girls moms - looking for her!

    Thats crazy right??

    • so who was talking to you through the Ouija board?monospaced
    • I dunno - I bet there millions of sprits we can't see. I bet there billions of things we can't see.Raybandana
    • because you want to. or the hs girl's mom came looking for her.? maybe?sine
    • well yea her mom came looking for her .. but it was right at 3... and thats what the board said! could have been any other numberRaybandana
    • numberRaybandana
    • You would "bet" on this? LOLmonospaced
    • i dunno - its just weird and it happens.. .and I heard tons of similar stories.. I dunno SHITS fucked bruh!Raybandana
    • well, then, that's like the BEST rationalization I've ever heard, almost as good as the one for gods existingmonospaced
    • Not everything in reality can be rationalized... There are things beyond or little brains.Raybandana
    • That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. If something exists, OF COURSE it can be rationalized!monospaced
    • ahh your hopeless bro.
      So caught up in your words.
      Dont worry about it - keep telling everyone, that their wrong.
    • wrong.Raybandana
    • so you think you're right because you believe in something you can't comprehend? Pleasemonospaced
    • No - I'm just saying there is more out there. Lighten up dick-weed.Claymantis
    • You weren't saying anything, Clay, unless you're also Ray. And if you think there's something supernatural, you're an idiot.monospaced
    • you're an idiot.monospaced
    • What? - your crazy.Claymantis
    • hey raybandana, ever thought that the girl knew her mum was coming at 3am and made the message?eficks
    • and lol at clay and ray being outed as the same person!eficks
    • no she didnt tell her mom because she left without telling her... she could have came at any time.Claymantis
    • it was back before cell phones too bud.. so not text - emails...Claymantis
    • You are Ray. Haha. So a spirit warned a mom was coming. You dumb gullible fucks. Lol.monospaced
    • hahahahaClaymantis

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