PR AGENCIES? What do they do?

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • vaxorcist0

    ok.... some oddball personal experiences with PR....

    I once worked in a small creative ad/web agency, we shared office space with 2 guys who had their own micro-PR firm. They were refugees from some larger PR firm... they were on the phone all day long, or out of the office, and when they were on the phone, they'd talk about all sorts of random shit like baseball games and celebrity wardrobe malfunctions, till after about 30-40 minutes of this, they'd go in for the kill and ask if they could get somebody an interview or some product placement,etc..... at first I thought they were shysters, but I realized they were good at EXACTLY what I sucked at... i.e. getting people to soften up and do what you want by any means necessary....

    ....and lots of the reasons ad agency people hate PR people is that they may subvert us, i.e. one bit of text in the "editorial" of a magazine may be worth 20 print ads in terms of persuausion, and there's not much "design" except for the "design" of a campaign to spend months researching and talking to people till they finally get the right person on the phone and talk about random shit for 30 minutes and then go in for the kill and get that product placement or interview....

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