RIP Hugo Chavez

Out of context: Reply #29

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  • pr20

    Chavez was a complex figure. A few months ago i worked with a soundman who just emigrated from Venezuela - he said you KNOW that every year you will get robbed at least once (sometimes including being kidnapped). Chavez was for equality but if you ever lived in socialism (i have) you know that the dream never matches the reality. People deep down are scumbags who will take advantage of the system or each other to be just a bit better off. The really poor robbing the above-poor middle class is just an example of that. In that sense Chavez presented a very complex dilemma - to keep on fighting for what life should be (equality etc) or what it really is (as capitalism is trying to convince us): filled with one scumbag stubbing another scumbag in the back. That persistence to create a dream of a kind rather than settle on practicality of life is something to be admired in him.

    • yes. great post. as idealogical as it is, it's just not sustainable.sine
    • neither is capitalism as it turns us into animalspr2
    • It wasn't a good idea even on paper, communism equalizes down and strips your dignity and - everyone loses.shaft
    • I lived behind the Iron Curtain longer than pr2 (I'm older), I'd never want to go back there.shaft
    • I tried both, would choose capitalism again. It's not easy but gives you opportunity. In Cuba you have none.shaft
    • both of my parents lived under communism most of their life (including small amount of prosecution) and now having lived in US past 10 years the long for good old day...pr2
    • ... lived in US past 10 years the long for good old day...pr2

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