going vegetarian?

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  • autoflavour0

    i have been vegetarian for 18 years now..

    to be honest tho, after the first few weeks, it was just easy.

    it really depends on your motivation.

    if you see it as a challenge, then your reasons are likely not going to be as solid.

    its not like quitting drinking or smoking crack.. its just meat.. its not addictive. what is a pain is realizing that a bunch of things you used to like eating, have no direct substitute. for me, pepperoni pizza was a big thing.. but then i learned more about different chilli's and peppers ..

    but yep, i know the biggest issue most people have when they switch is they have this mindset against certain things.. like "i cant stand tofu" or "fake meat, why would i bother?"

    first off.. tofu is awesome.. but to be honest, Silken Tofu sucks balls, which is what i knew tofu as until i bothered to look deeper..

    and fake meat.. why bother? because food shouldnt always be a massive production.. sometimes i just want a simple sandwich, a few slices of tomato, lettuce and a slice of fake sandwich meat.. voila.

    • so you're autoflavour because you eat you're own sausage? sorry had to ask this for fun.oey
    • seriously, you are totally correct.oey
    • and big up for your 18 years. respect.oey
    • Good work. Silken tofu is fantastic if it's cooked right... and where have your mixes gone Auto?MrT
    • yeah, saying all Silken tofu is bad is probably a bit much.. I love salt and pepper tofu, which is silken deepfriedautoflavour
    • not necessarily the healthiest option there i guess.. i think its just the texture that puts me offautoflavour
    • as for mixes.. i was working on one last year, but then i got side tracked working on film clips all year..autoflavour
    • excuses excuses i know..autoflavour
    • in germany they have like this smoked tofu in different types. natural, peppered, almonds, etc...very tasty!oey
    • in portugal, it's easier to find vegan chorizo and blood sausage than here in Amsterdam.oey
    • but it's a bit too much for me. vegan imitations of meat stuff. the only thing i really like are veggie burgers. that's it.oey
    • i guess thats the thing.. i still like burgers, hot dogs etc.. just with vege stuff.. but its usually more expensiveautoflavour
    • especially to eat regularly..autoflavour

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