Out of context: Reply #426

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  • scarabin0

    i went on a stickering rampage last night with this group of local acid heads i'm in around midnight in hollywood, spreading 5,000 of these over several hours.

    i was rolling with a guy who had a box of them in his trunk, and a couple boxes of tees with the same message. there was probably acid in the car, everyone had weed on them and we were all high as a kite and some of us had been drinking (me). just when i think we're gonna get away with it i see the familiar red and blue lights behind us and we're pulled over. long story short, guy's license was suspended at some point so after shining a flashlight in everyone's eyes and determining nobody's sober enough to drive the car away the cop has the car immediately towed.

    fortunately nobody was searched, they had no idea about our sticker campaign, and i was like 50 feet from a train station (hollywood and vine) so i took the last train home.

    on a side note, VICE magazine contacted our group and may do a piece on us soon.

    • Cool story bro, are you 14?MarleyMarl
    • excuse me?scarabin
    • you should tell us about the exciting time you stayed home last night acting your age and being responsible. now that's a cool life story, broscarabin
    • cool life story, broscarabin
    • "I feel so alive! I'm being pulled over by cops while holding LSD advertisements!" lolcannonball1978
    • something like thatscarabin
    • :)scarabin
    • the real question i have.. when you call the number, does Cosmo answer.. and does he really have acid for sale?autoflavour

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