Leaving on time

Out of context: Reply #37

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  • DaveO0

    I love this topic.

    It's sometimes worn as a badge of honor that people stay late but in recent times i've noticed that it really depends on who you're working for, and what their personal situation is. My current boss used to live around the corner from the agency and so would always be in early and leaving late, so it felt like there was a really high bar set when it came to the amount of hours put in. He then got married, bought a house out in Brooklyn and almost overnight, relaxed about it all.

    A lot of shoots I've done have run over the weekend, and if they're somewhere nice like LA or somewhere you'd want to go, I've not been too fussed about asking for the time back but last year I was trying to plan my wedding and there were lots of shoots coming in that I had to work over weekends and it really REALLY sucked. What sucked even more was the fact that we never got the time back for those days and there was no policy around it in order to negotiate.

    I think it's a trait of younger, more eager workers to want to prove their worth by the amount of time they're spending at the office, and I think everyone has to go through that in order to feel like they're paying into the 10,000 hour rule account.

    I've got side projects and freelance work on the go with my wife so would rather switch off at 6:30 and pick up again in the morning when I can think straight, and unless there's benjamins coming my way I'd really rather not work a weekend.

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