USDA v. Lance Armstrong

Out of context: Reply #123

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    Far more important things to complain about. I forget what its called but there is a condition that people will always put more effort into bringing another down than building themselves up.

    So what he lied and profited? That is capitalism. You're crying over the money he gained from the yellow wristband campaign? Why don't you attack Susan for her pink ribbon that has helped no one to date except the foundation.

    This forum is simultaneously adoring a suicide and lambasting exercise.

    • Schadenfreude?ETM
    • It's called "being a dick."mg33
    • Wrong. You're glossing over systematic lying and cheating throughout an ENTIRE sport for year after year...(cont'd)...pig
    • ...Of course there's more 'important' things to worry about. That's a trick any 12yr old can play. Not an out.pig

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