building a platform help

Out of context: Reply #43

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  • 59 Responses
  • ETM0

    There is also how simple or basic the rating criteria is. 5 stars. 1/10. Single rating, multiple criteria with averages. How do ratings weight against a user? How does ranking affect filtering criteria for search or displaying results. etc. If 100 users, 1000 have 5 stars, but is filter 2/3/4 to make it relevant to the user?

    If user 100 has 5 stars but is always at the bottom getting no impressions, do they still pay? Oh yeah, impressions. Record those because when people pay, they usually want to know how it's going.

    • *what is filter 2/3/4...ETM
    • Forgive the typos. It's late and I was at the pub earlier...ETM
    • haha it okay - everything that you've said has been talked about and resolved.Raybandana
    • Alot of planning and IA has already gone into this.Raybandana
    • You could have mentioned that. You came off like you had NO idea or planning done.ETM
    • I think we all assumed IA was still needed.ETM

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