building a platform help

Out of context: Reply #35

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  • 59 Responses
  • Raybandana0

    What would be the harm in using this guys?

    Then have a developer take care of the site.

    • using this for the traffic -…Raybandana
    • If I was your client and I heard you ever considered BS like this for a serious project I'd be gone in 2 seconds.ETM
    • The fact that you would try to create a system like from the design only out means you have no clue,ETM
    • Here developer, I have an HTML template ready to go. Make me Facebook. Wow!ETM
    • Just wow! LOLETM
    • Its not facebook you maniac. Its a simple CMS site.. That could grow into facebook. But I dont think it will.Raybandana
    • why are these guys BS? whats so wrong with it? please explain?Raybandana
    • I would send the PSD's and not use templates.Raybandana
    • First, you started this thread saying it was like Facebook.ETM
    • I know - sorry bud...Raybandana
    • Then you say you have a $25k budget. Then you say you have only $10k for dev.ETM
    • well at the moment... but the idea is still being flushed out. So maybe its going to take more! I dunno - thats why I'm asking you guys!
    • asking people for some guidance.Raybandana
    • You also have called it a glorified blog and a simple CMS.ETM
    • Your not asking for guidance. You don;t know what the fuck you're doing and your hoping we can dig you out of this hole.ETM
    • You have vague details, no planning, no architecture, and you want us to say do A, B and C from that and it will cost only X dollars.ETM
    • x amount of dollars.ETM
    • Sorry to be a dick. But I think some honestly is required.ETM
    • Well I will get sue through the fuckin roof, if i tell you what it is.. I'm just a human like you... looking for help.. sorry I couldnt be clear.Raybandana
    • be clear. but that's how she is - boss.Raybandana

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