
Out of context: Reply #5

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  • 21 Responses
  • inteliboy0

    can be great:

    can be shit:

    • Audio software is the biggest offender of Skeuomorphic design. Wouldn't say it's great. Turning knobs with your mouse is terribly unintuitive.jtb26
    • is terribly unintuitive.jtb26
    • sliders would be far more appropriate.Amicus
    • It isn't though. Reason is designed to make it convenient and intuitive for people used to expensive hardware with this very interface.orrinward2
    • very interface. It is not an introduction product to sound mixing. I'm a big fan of Skeuomorphism as a transitiionary aid from one media to another.orrinward2
    • transitiionary aid from one media to another.orrinward2
    • I don't think it's necessary to hold the users hand. They handycap the functionality but trying to imitate a rack strip form factor.jtb26
    • *by.jtb26
    • this is a big part of the reason ableton is so awesome.lodef
    • fuck anyone who didn't design Reason and thinks they know the reason something was created a certain way.
    • well i love patching (with faux cables) in reason and wouldn't want it any other way.inteliboy
    • I'm no musician/sound guy so Reason is awful for me, but everyone at Uniorrinward2
    • that did sound loved it and swore by it. There was pretty much no learning curve for them.orrinward2

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