
Out of context: Reply #184

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  • ETM0

    Romney's tax cuts will either be a lie or will screw America worse. As has been said before, corporate profits are already at a record high and their are more millionaires and billionaires then ever before. But only one thing trickles down in the new global economy, and sadly it's not the jobs or money. At least not in your country.

    It would be great if Obama actually instituted the tax cuts he claims for companies that employ and manufacture in the USA. If that happened and the tax cuts were worth while, you could see a shift at the levels that your country needs.

    As for Romney's 47% comment, he really doesn't understand how society functions. There MUST be people at all levels to make society work He should know more than anyone that there needs to be people to park his cars, wash his cars, cook his meals, wait on him in restaurants, clean and press his suits. They will likely NEVER cross over to the 53%. That's okay. They are valuable members to society and they contribute, even if it's not all with dollars in the government coffers.

    • Argh... I did the reverse there/their error. Their = there.ETM

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