Expression Engine pros/cons

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • vaxorcist0

    Drupan rhymes with RuPaul.....

    This is significant because everything in drupal seemed to me to be doing everything in its own way .... strangely everything normal at first glance seemed rather different once you took a closer look... kind of like a cms where everything is in drag....

    • Unfortunately, Drupan does not rhyme with RuPaul... :)ETM
    • you mean drupal is good? i tried it and thought it wasn't a centralized piece of software, i much prefer WP.i_was
    • some stuff works here but not there in the same environment, i hate that.i_was
    • I wasn't posing an opinion, only mocking the spelling error.ETM
    • yes... hazards of typing on an android device... but yes, I dislike DruPaul because it seems familiar but, uh, different in a weird way....vaxorcist

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