iPhone 5

Out of context: Reply #34

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  • monospaced0

    Apple, it seems to ME, is simply doing what they've always done with the iPhone: upgrade it. They don't overhaul it each year and none of the revisions has been revolutionary. The evolutionary approach works for them, and each model has been improving incrementally. The overall shape gets a makeover, they get improvements here and there in hardware and software, but that's that. The last ground-breaking iPhone announcement was the initial announcement of the iPhone. Why everyone, every year, says the current upgrade is boring and unimpressive is hilarious because it's just a better iPhone, nothing else. Kinda like BMW car models. Each year the 325 gets better, but that's it.

    And to your point, formed, the competition IS making things new, and, well, better is a point of opinion entirely. But better, being a point of opinion, doesn't seem to be helping them at the moment because faster phones and bigger screens do not make for the best experience, necessarily. Yeah, they might be "better" with a laundry list of features, but that MIGHT not be what people are after in a PHONE.

    • < thisutopian
    • Their ecosystem is the TRUEking in the Apple success equation, IN MY OPINIONmonospaced

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