Open letter to Leo Burnett

Out of context: Reply #53

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  • Peter0

    > Thing is though if Leo burnette own it etc. and all they got Asylum to do was execute it then... well tough shit Asylum. If however Asylum wrote and came up with the concept then Fuck Leo Burnett they are cunts.

    From their apology it seems they came up with "the script":

    “Every year Leo Burnett makes a low budget film for the RMHC gala dinner. Asylum did a wonderful job with our script and the client was so pleased, that they wanted to invest in the script and shoot again for cinema. Consequently two other production companies pitched for it with our script without seeing the film that Asylum produced. Our apologies go to Asylum for not informing them that we were talking to other production companies.”

    Whether that script included visuals cues, style and camera handling I wouldn't know and could only speculate.

    From their need to include the line "...without seeing the film" I'd figure it didn't.
    And really, who in their right mind would not show the initial version if they were to remake it? That's pure bullshit, but I digress.

    Either way, included or not, it seems like a halfass apology that does little for Asylum and serves more to distance themselves [LB] from any connections to plagiarism by shifting the focus to a normal business decision. One that many business owners can relate to.

    • I agree; big guys shitting on the little guys because they can.lukus_W2

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