
Out of context: Reply #18043

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  • TheBlueOne0

    I posted this in the Romney thread, but I think it deserves to be here, so pardon the dbl post.

    "There was along period of history where wealth was concentrated in the equivalent of the 1%. It in fact did not "trickle down", but led to odd funnel like economies where luxurious trivialities were trade goods, and the general run of humanity were essentially indentured servants at best, slaves at worst. It curtailed economic innovations for centuries, derailed technological development, locked up the free flow of information and put humanity's cultural development into deep stasis.
    How a modern political party can make a legitimate argument that further concentration of wealth and perpetual protection thereof will somehow benefit all is something I find odd - especially so from one in a nation who fought to overthrow the chains of such things. Twice. The only way that the argument sticks is by massively funding incessant and widespread cultural propaganda that supports such a view as true and unquestionable - which has been an ongoing operation now for about a hundred years btw."

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